Tonight I thought I'd install Windows via Bootcamp onto my Mac so I wouldn't have to bring that stupid HP laptop home from work on the rare occasions I needed to.
What a mistake that was.
Yeah, it installed easily enough, and surprisingly, it actually worked. That is, it worked until I downloaded 135 software updates and after rebooting, the network adapter disappeared.
It's shit like this that caused my initial move to Apple back in 2009.
Fuck you, Microsoft. Windows will never be installed on anything I own ever again.
Block the windows update. That's what I do.
Once my old EeePC Asus laptop with windows 7 bugged completely because of one of these windows updates. At least that's what I think.
I saved my data, and made my PC as good as new with their EeePC recovery partition. No problem so far since 3 years, very stable, and no more f*cking waiting for updates to close my computer.
(That said, as you, I accepted one big update after reinstalling, then switch the all update things off. You've really been unlucky. But on a Mac, hey!, what did you expect :P)
These update are made to keep up the laptop with new technology and security things, but since this bad experience I think my Windows7 PC is more stable without their bullshit. It's like each mark of laptop has special feature to make them more ergonomic, and the windows updates are to square to deal smoothly with them.
I let Avast, Search&destroy, anc CCleaner be the free security things on my PC. It works so far.
I bought a second Asus PC, exactly the same, as a back-up notebook. Because now I know how to repair them, and I know to keep them stable.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." – Albert Einstein
I'm seriously not surprised at what a big fat steaming dump of code Windows 8.1 is. It's like Windows 3.1, 3.11, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000 all over again. The only versions of Windows I've actually liked are XP SP3, and W7 SP1. Otherwise, they've all been a serious pain in the ass. Special super strength toilet paper goes to Windows 95, Windows ME, Windows Vista, and Windows 8 and 8.1.
It was actually Win7…