From theaidsmemorial:

"I took this image of a Navy friend, Jim, at a house I was living back in 1984. Being a Navy photographer at the time, I would take more than just snapshots of friends. On this night, I took Jim with some harsh lighting. This being my favorite. He was not at a low point during his time in the Navy. He had been reflecting back to how much easier it was when he was a kid.

I was transferred overseas in early 1985, and lost touch with Jim. When I returned from overseas years later, I found out of his passing.

After my Navy career I was attending college. One of my electives was a photography class. During that class we had an assignment to put images together into a book. We could use any image we had taken during our lives. I put one of the images I had taken of Jim all those years ago in 1984. I was using Photoshop at the time so I added text to some of the images in my book.

To Jim's image I added a quote from an Elizabeth Akers Allen poem titled "Rock Me To Sleep."

"Backward, turn backward,
O Time in your flight,
Make me a child again
just for tonight!"

It seems he has been gone a lifetime. Rest in Peace Jim." — by Chuck Cavanaugh

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