Last weekend Ben and I flew down to Phoenix for our very belated wedding reception. Since we got married under the friends/family radar a year ago, we both thought some sort of celebration is due—not only for ourselves, but also for those same friends and family.

Since the vast majority of the people we wanted to share in our special day lived in Arizona, we decided that Macayo's in Phoenix would be our venue. Since we haven't had really good Mexican food since we moved to Denver, this was a no-brainer.
Obviously, we went for a Doctor Who theme, but only the die-hard fans got the fez…

I think everyone had a good time…

We had to run a few errands the next day before we left…

And of course we had to visit one of our old (and hopefully future, in 2-3 years) stomping grounds…
Then we met a few of our friends at Lolo's Chicken & Waffles for brunch before heading to the airport. Absolute heaven…

How lovely!
I am glad you had such a good time in Phoenix.
Indeed bow ties are cool.