Okay, I Know It Was The 60s…

…but still, so many odd design choices.

When I was a young thing, whose father was an architect, I used to pour over these magazines that always seemed to be in abundance in our home. Aspiring to become an architect myself and dreaming of the wonderful home I'd someday build, these plans and renderings fired my imagination.

But looking at them now, sixty years later, they certainly seem dated  in comparison to today's design aesthetic. The tiny, closed, cramped galley-style kitchens and equally utilitarian bathrooms, the all-but-useless formal dining areas and the separate living and family rooms. And just the way everything was closed off from everything else. They still fire my imagination, but now I look at these plans and ponder what I'd do if I were buy one and remodel it to bring it into the 21st century.

[Thanks, Rick!]

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