Why I am Still an Apple Fanboy

A very thoughtful discussion of Apple's design philosophy that mirrors many of the reasons why I remain an unabashed fan of Apple—despite some of its recent missteps—can be found here. Worth the read.

One Reply to “Why I am Still an Apple Fanboy”

  1. I was reading a recent review of Doctor Who, a fictional TV show, and all they could do is complain about how it was so unrealistic. I think with Doctor Who and Apple, we put them up on this pedestal of perfection and when something is slightly different or not 100% perfect then we think its wrong and slam it.

    Apple has one thing going for it that not many companies have, they just don't care about the media. Now I say this because when the media spearheads a witch hunt over "Bendgate" or the latest software snafu, Apple down plays it and quietly fixes it or doesn't and just tells people to deal. They do this, because the know people will still buy their products by the millions and love their product regardless of what some tech analyst at some bank thinks.

    Apple is who they are today, because they have changed the way tech is used. People are willing to pay more for a better product. Samsung phones go down in price 60 days after release, and they release a new phone every 15 minutes. Apple doesn't need to do this, because even their 2 year phones sell. People buy Apple for 2 reasons. 1) Its dead simple to use and 2) They support their products.

    Now that Microsoft is in the "Phone Manufacturing" business, they should and could turn their stores into repair hubs, but sadly they won't, they will still rely on a network of sales people in sell phone company stores to support their product.

    Okay comment rant over. BTW, stealing this for my blog.

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