I don't know whatever happened to Scott. We ironically met in 1979 or early 1980 through his ex, who I tried to pick up one lunch hour while waiting in line at the bank. (Remember when you had to do that to cash a check?) Tom and I didn't really have enough in common to cause a spark, but when I met Scott we immediately hit it off. We actually "dated" for a while, but our schedules never seemed to sync often enough (he was an overnight radiology tech) to ignite the kind of passion that would spark a serious relationship. We did manage to maintain a casual friends-with-benefits thing for some time, but even that fizzled after I moved from Phoenix to Tucson. We lost touch with each other completely shortly after this photo was taken on his singular trip he made to Tucson that summer, and despite attempts to locate him years later (difficult because of his relatively common name), I was unsuccessful. I finally gave up and mentally put him in the MIA bucket along with so many others lost during the plague years.
I ran across this photo in the same file folder I found the Minidisc comic strip from the earlier post, undoubtedly thrown in there years ago because I was too lazy to return it to the photo album I'd pulled it from.