What The FUCK Does This Even Mean?

From the website of one of the neighborhood-razing overpriced apartment complexes going up in central Phoenix:


Located in the Midtown neighborhood, it provide[s] easy access to local businesses, art and culture. Residents enjoy authentic experiences and embrace one-of-a-kind events over corporate brands.

What the hell is an "authentic location?" Would someone prefer to live at a fake location? And what about "one-of-a-kind events over corporate brands?" What the FUCK does that even mean?

The website has no floor plans and no pricing info. These are the images in their gallery describing "Bold Progressive Living."

So in other words, drunk hipsters with more money than sense? I guess that is their target demographic. The only thing missing from those photos are man-buns.

One Reply to “What The FUCK Does This Even Mean?”

  1. Same thing is happening here on a smaller scale. I used to think gentrification was a great idea. Not anymore, it's just about greed nowadays.

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