Over It

There are snow people and there are non-snow people. Despite my initial optimism, I am discovering I definitely fall into the latter category. (And to my friend Mark in Duluth, you are more than welcome to go ahead and say, "I told you so!")

That's it. I'm over this shit. Unless things change drastically over the next five years (Ben's obligation to his teaching program) it is very unlikely that Denver is going to be a long-term home. In the meantime I'm either going to have to start taking public transit to work when it snows like this or I trade Anderson in on the four-wheel drive model. Considering the MINI will be paid off in about six months, that isn't going to happen.

The state of Colorado and the City and County of Denver had 24—if not 48—hours notice of the impending "snowpocalypse." The white stuff started falling at 6 pm last night.  So why was I greeted by unplowed roads (including the I-25 freeway) this morning? I almost didn't even make it off our side street onto Colorado Blvd. this morning…

The only reason I actually came into the office instead of attempting to work from home was because my boss was planning on being out today and someone had to set up for a video conference…that was, of course, cancelled.

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