So…This is What 2012 Looks Like

I had every intention of writing a personal "year in review" post last night, but frankly, after running around all day I simply had no motivation. While I did manage to be awake to ring in the new year with my Ben, I had been napping in my chair most of the evening.  Ah, the joys of getting older. Stuff they never told you in school…

I'm still not motivated, and since it's now January 1st, it's probably better to just look ahead.  As of tomorrow (while not actually being there) I begin work as a permanent employee of the firm I've been contracting at since August. This goes a long way toward making Denver feel a little more like home.

Something I'm also looking forward to in 2012 is the fact that Anderson will be paid off in June.

Seems like only yesterday

This will free up a wad of cash that almost compensates for the difference between what I'm earning now and what I was making in Phoenix. Almost. In any case it will at least initially allow me to catch up on some much needed vehicle maintenance that I've been putting off.

And of course we have months and months of the circus sideshow that are the Republican primaries to look forward to. As it stands right now, the most anticipated event for me in 2012 will be hearing the concession speech of  whichever right-wing loon ends up with the nomination after Obama whups their ass on November 6th.

2 Replies to “So…This is What 2012 Looks Like”

  1. Happy new year Alex and Ben. Today we usually watch the Rose parade and clean up the house. The parade is tomorrow. Pasadena has an old rule, no parade on Sundays, people must be able to get to church, WHATEVER!!! Anyway, itt's going to be a great year. Mike and Glenn

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