Take Me Away

A lifelong fantasy that I—and I suspect more than just a few of us—have entertained is having the means, energy, and wherewithal to escape civilization and live in a cabin in the woods (hopefully not sitting on the entrance to where the Old Gods are sleeping).

Okay, maybe not totally removed from civilization. I'd still want access to things like medical care and grocery stores. And yes, I'd still want electricity, hot and cold running water, and a fast, reliable internet, but I long to be surrounded by nature and away from the constant din of modern life and the resultant stupidity that seems to be an integral part of it these days.

Currently there are several variations of home shows capitalizing on this theme. (Building Off The Grid is one that immediately comes to mind.) If nothing else, these programs have shown me what a monumental undertaking it would be and how woefully unprepared I am  to adopt such a  lifestyle.  And now having spent four years in Denver, that's not even considering the utter inconvenience of getting from our cabin getaway to civilization and back in the winter. (Which would be much less of an issue if we all had flying cars by now like we'd been promised in the 1960s.) Maybe if I were half my current age I could consider it, but at this point it's just a dream.

Interestingly, when I was half my current age, such a thought was total anathema to me; I wanted nothing more than to live in a bustling, neon-infused always-on urban environment.

Of course the world seemed a bit saner back then and I didn't have any overwhelming need to escape it.

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