For the last several months I've been very neglectful to my finny friends. I've been keeping tropical fish since I was in grade school, so it was bothering me that I currently had only two fish left. I didn't let the tank get disgusting or anything, but every time I did a cleaning/water change I swore I'd head off to the store and bring some friends home for them. And each time life detoured me and I never got around to it. I had one large Red Tail Shark and one Black Skirt Tetra.

I get an email flier every Friday from The Ocean Floor describing their weekly specials, but it seemed whenever I had a little extra cash nothing was on sale that I was interested in. Nothing lept out at me from yesterday's email either and despite my Current financial situation I knew I needed to at least add a couple fish to the tank now that it was clean and shiny after least weekend's complete tear down. I drove over yesterday afternoon and ended up coming home with 5 Black Skirt Tetras, 5 White Skirt Tetras, and 3 Honey Dwarf Gouramis. I got the black/white skirts because while they're kind of visually boring, they're a hearty species, have always been a favorite of mine and were ridiculously inexpensive. I got the Gouramis because while I prefer the Pearl variety I haven't seen those in stores in years and the Honeys were such a gorgeous color I couldn't say no…and they were on sale!

So we're populated again and the Shark is for the most part behaving himself. I need to return later next week when they get their next shipment to pick up a couple Corydoras to keep the bottom swept.

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