You Can't Reason With His Base

"Let's not be surprised when 35 percent or so of voters consistently tell pollsters that the president is the victim of a witch hunt or that they agree with every policy position and action he takes. Trump fans' politics is not the politics of rationality, considered judgment or empirical observation. Blind hatred and unthinking boorishness are not moderated by new facts or observable phenomena. We should stop marveling as his "success" in holding his base as if this were a reflection of his political skill, let alone the efficacy of his policies. Rather, the unbreakable and unblinking devotion of his unhinged base is confirmation that he now must rely on support from people oblivious to reality."

Trump's Tampa circus proves you can't reason with his base

One Reply to “You Can't Reason With His Base”

  1. Interestingly enough, Republicans make up 33% of the voting population. It's time to treat this minority group the same way they treat every other minority group.

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