I'm At That Point…

…in my job search that I'm getting really tired of the stupid.

I'm sick of recruiters who just do a word search without actually reading a resume or online profile and send job postings for which I am either entirely unqualified or aren't even in Information Technology.

This morning I got one for a Senior Systems Administrator at the Arizona Department of Homeland Security.

"Jega M" from Advent Global Technologies in Houston obviously found "Active Directory" in the skill set of my resume—but nothing else in the job description she sent—and thought she hit pay dirt. Too bad she didn't actually read my resume that has a 20 year history of only DESKTOP SUPPORT because I am DONE suffering fools gladly.

My response:

(a) It's obvious you emailed me today only because you did a lazy online word search and found some phrase in my resume that made you think I'd be interested in or qualified for this position. In this case I believe it's "Active Directory." I have NONE of the other required skills—much less a degree in Information Technology—that this position requires.

(b) I would NEVER work for DHS, and especially not under the current Administration. Call me old fashioned, but I don't think working for an agency that separates children from their parents and puts them in cages is a particularly inspiring career path.

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