Pass This Along

When you are a pet owner it is inevitable the majority of the time that your pet will die before you do. So if and when you have to take your pet to the vet's office for a humane, pain-free ending I want you all to know something. You have been the center of their world THEIR ENTIRE LIVES! They may just be a part of yours, but all they know is you as their family. It is a crappy decision/day/time/event every time; there is no argument against that and it is devastating as humans to lose them. But please, I beg you: DO NOT LEAVE THEM. Do not make them transition from life to death in a room of strangers in a place they don't like. The thing you need to know that most of you don't is that THEY SEARCH FOR YOU WHEN YOU LEAVE THEM BEHIND!

They search every face in the room for their beloved humans. They are frightened to begin with and they don't understand why you left them there when they are sick, scared, old, or dying from cancer AND THEY NEED YOUR COMFORT. Don't be a coward because it is just too hard for YOU. Imagine what they feel as you leave them in their most vulnerable time, and people like me are left to try our best every time to comfort them, to make them less scared, and try to explain why you just couldn't stay." ~ A tired, broken-hearted vet

THIS, THIS, THIS a thousand times THIS.

How could I possibly simply drop this little furball off and then leave when his time comes? Well, there is NO way I could—or will—do that to either him or our other furry child. I will be there to hold them and help them say goodbye.

One Reply to “Pass This Along”

  1. My vet came to my home. I sat on the sofa with my little girl in my arms. One of my boys was on the sofa with us and the other sat at my feet – just like we did every day for years. It was so peaceful and my boys adjusted so well.

    Most vets will come to your home for less than $50 more than the office. If your vet doesn't offer this, there are companies that do (like mobile groomers) just google it.

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