Social Media

I just can't any more.

I joined Twitter ten years ago. Until the arrival of Trump and his minions, the platform was kind of harmless, mindless fun for me—at least in the circles I traveled.

But lately it's become a cesspool of hate. People screaming horrible things to each other and a total lack of civil discourse has soured me to the whole damn thing.

I can hear you now. "Then why don't you just leave?"

It's because I really don't want to lose my @voenixrising moniker in case I ever wanted to return and there are still remnants of those halcyon days of mindless fun to be found if you look.

Take for instance, the wacky residents of the fictional Vaca Muerta Estates, and in particular, Myrna Tellingheusen, "retired executive secretary for Mr. Stanley Bogenshoots, Senior Vice President at Huges Aircraft." Those accounts are a respite, a little bit of insane sanity in the sea of effluent that the social media platform has become over the past several years.

I have several lists created of some of the folks I follow: My Boo (obviously), Apple News, Apple Anons (loved the inside drama that was associated with that group for years, but now it's slowly being overrun with political toxicity), and lastly, Vaca Muerta Estates, where I've gathered all the "residents" of the mobile home community under one roof.

I use Tweetbot as my Twitter client. On the Mac it allows me to show my regular feed and/or any number of lists I've created on screen in convenient columns. On the phone, it allows me to select either my main feed or any one of my lists as the default when I open the app. What I've done to minimize the constant stream of stupidity and hate is to have the phone app open directly to Vaca Muerta. The desktop app shows me only my lists, without the main feed appearing at all. It helps, believe me.

That may keep me on Twitter a while longer. I know the platform will never return to what it had been prior to Trump even after he's ousted from office, but hopefully the cesspool will drain after he's gone.

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