Job Update

It's been about six weeks since I started the new job, and I have to say I'm really loving it there. The first week was kinda iffy because despite the hiring and onboarding process having taken six weeks in and of itself, they still weren't ready for me to do what I was hired to and along with one other contractor were reduced to doing mindless grunt work—deploying monitors at a couple different facilities. It was very physical work, and for the most part not having been off my ass for the previous six months, I came home exhausted the first few days.

The second week my network account was in place and all my permissions working, so I was assigned to the department where I am now, and it's been a joy. Everyone has been friendly and more than welcoming (I was even invited to the department's holiday lunch/gift exchange) and I've been treated with an unexpected amount respect by my peers. I was so used to the "he's just a contractor so he doesn't know anything" attitude I got at my last job it threw me for a loop until I remembered this is how it's supposed to be, and in fact has been most of the other places I've worked. More than anything, this department reminds me of my team at the hospital, and that's a very good thing indeed.

I think my supervisor recognized my talent immediately, because after proving myself by solving a few ongoing issues they were having with imaging machines as well as performing a few flawless PC deployments (i.e. customers not complaining that stuff was missing on their new machines), they cut me loose to run on my own with only very minimal supervision.

I genuinely like everyone in the department and both my supervisor and the two colleagues I work with have already made it clear that when a permanent position opens up this summer, they want me on board. I'm totally cool with that. This may be where that arrow drawn back at DISH finally hit its target.

And as of at least right now, I haven't even been getting the Sunday evening "icks." That's got to count for something, right?

I know I'm going to be moved around to several other departments before this project is over, but at least I know I have a welcoming "home" waiting when the time comes.

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