They Like Me

We're just about finished with the rollout of the new equipment for this department. This is kind of bittersweet because, as I've written about before, I really enjoy working with my IT colleagues as well as pretty much everyone in the department here. My supervisor has made no secret of the fact they like me too, and has strongly urged me to apply for any open IT position in the organization—even if its not in this particular department—just to "get on the list" so that when an IT job does become available in this department I'm ready to jump on it.

In the meantime I've been wondering where they were going to shuttle us next since we're going to wrap up here by the end of the week—if not sooner.

This morning my supervisor approached me and asked if I'd be willing to come on—unfortunately still as a contractor (but at my current pay scale which is fabulous)—as a full Desktop Support Tech. Of course I would!

Long story short, he was unable to get funding at this time for the full time perm position he was hoping to get me into right now, but was approved to bring on a contractor in the role. It's not 100% official yet, but he's confident enough that his boss will sign off on it that he's assigned me a cube and put in a request for a cell phone.

At this point I don't even care if it doesn't go perm (other than the lack of paid holidays and time off). Just get me through until full retirement baby, so I don't have to go through unemployment again!

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