Quiet Time

The doggies don't know it's the weekend, so almost without fail they're dancing on me at 5:30 am, wanting to go out. I can't sleep in the way I used to when I was younger (last Sunday returning to bed after letting them out and sleeping until 2 pm was a very rare exception), but occasionally instead of immediately feeding them after they come back in we all head back to bed for another hour or two.

Most of the time, however, I stay up and utilize this quiet time (Ben can—and does—still easily sleep in on the weekends) to write or organize the week's downloads accumulating on my computer, or post nekkid menz while the doggies sleep on the couch in the den beside me. These seem to be the few times during the week when I can actually focus and not be distracted by every shiny object that crosses my path.


One Reply to “Quiet Time”

  1. Morning person myself… The dogs? They go back to sleep. Me? I get things done.

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