Omens and Portents?

I woke this morning from a disturbing dream. I was at work in a meeting when we heard emergency sirens. While my colleagues remained in the conference room I went to the window (I work on the 19th floor) to see a ginormous tornado moving through downtown. It was almost the width of a city block, and was black as coal. The twister was close enough that it should've impacted the building I was in, yet all it did was throw debris at it, none of which seemed to do any damage.

Then I looked off to the west and saw it approaching: a tsunami wave, a wall of water fifteen stories high, heading directly toward us. The scene was straight out of 2012 or Deep Impact. My last thought before the wave hit the building and I awoke was, "So…this is how it ends."

This is not surprising considering where my head has been at lately.

A wall of water that high approaching Phoenix could mean only one thing: a civilization-ending asteroid strike in the Pacific.

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