If You Had a Starship…

…and it could take you anywhere in this solar system within a matter of minutes and a safe return to Earth could be guaranteed, where would you go and why?

If I get more than just one or two responses to this I'll amend this post with my own choice.

5 Replies to “If You Had a Starship…”

  1. 1. Mars. We have a lot of data on Mars. I'd love to see it up close and personal
    2. Saturn's moon Titan. It might be the closest "Earth-like" satellite we have in our neighborhood. I'd be interested to see what it's like.

  2. I'd go to two places.

    1. Pluto – as a child I saw an artist's impression of the sun from Pluto. It looked so beautiful and melancholy, it's been with me for ever. I'd like to experience it in the real.

    2. Saturn or Uranus (either, so it's one really) – I'd like to fly around the rings and see shepherd moons.

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