I Appreciate You

I appreciate you, my readers…even those of you who never leave comments.

I was having dinner last night with a friend whom I met fifteen or so years ago through blogging, and we were commenting on how few active bloggers still  remain from those days (my friend ironically being one of those who abandoned the medium years ago). Great times were had in the mid 00s. I mean, I probably never would've met Ben if we both hadn't been blogging.

So again, I say thank you to all of those readers who have stuck with me and have endured my ramblings over the past decade and a half. I know it doesn't seem like I actually write much these days (at least not the way I did in the beginning) because it seems there are so many other voices out there—far more knowledgeable on the topics I would write about that you should be reading.

Today I've all but thrown up my hands at the state of politics, and while my tirades early on in this blog helped relieve some of the frustration I'd been feeling with Bush Jr. (seems like a walk in the park now, doesn't it?), screaming into the Void now is doing nothing to alleviate my deep fear that the Orange Russian Wig Stand currently occupying the White House will, through his arrogance and sociopathic narcissism bring about the end of civilization as we know it. Maybe that's being overly dramatic and actually attributing way more power to him than he possesses or deserves, but my first thought upon waking every morning is, "We're still here. The asshole didn't start WWIII overnight."

I could laugh him off as the clown he is if it weren't for his obvious mental instability and the fact his finger is poised over the nuclear planetary reset button. My outlook for humanity surviving this century is growing bleaker with every day he is allowed to remain in the Oval Office, and there's no reason for me to burden you any further with that kind of content when we're all being bombarded with it from every direction already. Assuming we survive his occupation of the White House, it will take decades to repair the internal damage he's wrought, not to mention our standing in the international community.

So please continue to come/cum for the menz and the other silly stuff I post. I mean, what else have you got to do?

10 Replies to “I Appreciate You”

  1. I read the blog every day, sometimes twice if the daily picture isn't up yet! We seem to have the same taste in Hot Menz as well as political leanings. We're about the same age, have gone through a lot of the same stuff and Mark, we are survivors. mwg

  2. Thanks to you Mark. Keep up the good work. Enjoy your blog nearly every day for years (This is my 1st time ever commenting).
    And, we still haven't recovered from the Regan years, and now this.

  3. Well, once upon a time, a person had to register with a password, or something, to comment on V'rising. When I 'mislaid' that 'authorization' through the airlock, I ceased the occasional [insipid] comment. Who knew it was this easy 🙂 As to your remarks about the white trash in the Oval Office, I always look to you for validation. You can cobble together a group of words like no one else. My sincere gratitude for this blog.

  4. I read your blog every day, and comment occasionally. We have similar outlooks on life. (probably because we dated waaaaay back in 1980)

  5. I try to write a comment each time to let you know I am dropping by. I enjoy your work, very.

  6. I'm glad that you keep posting, and enjoying reading it. So thank you.

  7. I only been a reader of your blog for a year or so.
    I now read you every day. We're close in age and think the same way in politics. I'm also married, but not to one as fun as Bubba (or as tall!)
    What I want to say is Thank You for something I look forward to reading and seeing every day. You are also my favorite blog.
    PS Your look in '84 was just what always caught my eye.

  8. Other than your blog, I have been visiting for at least eight years, I only read two other blogs. You speak the truth, and keep it real. Yes I'll say it, "You're may favorite blog.".

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