Gratuitous Shaun Sipos

One of the reasons you should be watching SyFy's Krypton. (Another being a bearded Cameron Cuffe.)

Yes, I'm shallow.

Okay, Krypton isn't horrible. I personally wouldn't call it great TV either, but it's entertaining. (Rotten Tomatoes, however, has a decidedly different take, recently opining, "Krypton has evolved past a Superman prequel series into one of the best science fiction shows on TV.") Uh. Okay…

It's got a good-looking cast, and it's obvious SyFy spared no expense in set design, effects, or costuming. And it does provide backstory to the entire Superman mythos, well beyond what we got from any of the movies.

Season Two got off to a very slow start IMHO, and I all but gave up on it, letting the episodes pile up on the DVR. But one night I was bored and started watching again and I have to confess it's gotten uniformly better. I still don't agree with Rotten Tomatoes, but it's worth a watch—if only for the pretty menz.

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