Gratuitous Jake McDorman

A perennial favorite of mine, a homosexual archetype harkening back to my earliest lustful imaginings (think Christopher J. Brown, "Duff," and Treat Williams in The Ritz), I did not even recognize him in the most recent episode of HBO's Watchmen—but the actor playing Captain Metropolis definitely caught my eye and I thought, "Who's that?!"

So imagine my surprise when the credits rolled. I had to go back and watch the scene again.

Regarding Watchmen, I have to say I've been enjoying the hell out of the show even without being fully versed in the source material it is derived from. My only exposure to this particular universe was the 2008 movie that while visually stunning, I found…ponderous…and  saw only once.

Unlike Westworld and Lost, where you spend more mental energy trying to figure out the wheels-within-wheels machinations of the story and timeline, Watchmen presents itself in a fairly straightforward narrative, leaving you with just enough questions to keep you coming back for more. And surprisingly, after Westworld and Lost, answers those questions posed have been generally quickly forthcoming. Perhaps because Watchmen is a limited run series the writers and producers knew they had to present a cohesive story with a definite ending in mind.

Anyway, if you've got HBO check it out (from the beginning, otherwise you'll probably be totally at a loss for what's going on).

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