The Summer Mix, 2008

Twelve years ago, just a scant few months before Ben entered my life, I created this two-disk playlist.

Admittedly this is an odd collection, but listening to it this afternoon sent me back to providing tech support at the hospital where I made friends that grace my life to this day, learned technical skills that propelled my career, and celebrated my 5-year cancer free anniversary. Both my folks were still alive, Mom hadn't yet begun the precipitous decline into Alzheimers, I was indulging myself in short, yet extensive road trips, and making more money than I would see again for the next decade. And yet, as I've told Ben, while my life prior to meeting him was okay, something was missing. I was happy, but I wasn't happy. Of course, unbeknownst to me at time, all that was about to change for the better.

Sequestered in my private office in the bowels of the hospital (Why is I.T. always in the basement?) I had the luxury (yet to be repeated) of a locking door and—since the rest of the floor consisted of rarely-used conference rooms and two other unoccupied offices—of cranking tunes when the mood struck me, and these were but a few items on my playlist from that period in my life.

Do the tunes say anything about my mental and emotional state at the time? Probably, but its still quite invisible from this side of the mirror.

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