Ask a Question…

…about this picture.

I'll go first. Why is she stirring her tea with a knife?

HINT: There are supposedly twelve things wrong in this picture. (And yes, I know this is image is probably older than I am, so if you've seen it already I'm sorry.)

2 Replies to “Ask a Question…”

  1. 1) The wife is sitting at the table not preparing the husbands meal.
    2) The wife is serving store bought bread and cake instead of fresh.
    3) The husband is a trump supporter because he is reading the paper upside down.
    4) The boy sitting between the wife and the daughter is a homosexual.
    5) So is the father.
    6) The wife is never going to get the tea stains out of that tablecloth and knows it.
    7) The cat only feels safe from the young girl on the county when she is in a cage. (Note: her hair in singed from all the heater time the little girl puts her through.)
    8) Who eats bread and cake at the same time?
    9) The painting above the couch is haunted.
    10) The heater is putting off hydroxychloroquine fumes, because of the orange overlord told them to…

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