
Rarer than that Technics interconnect, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the JBL L166 grilles in orange. Not to be confused with the L100 or L100 Classic grilles (which are to found in abundance), these are an entirely different animal altogether, and are not interchangeable with the L100 variety. In fact, this is the only photo (other than catalog images) I have been able to find online of the grilles in the wild.

Some of you may be asking, "Why not just paint the ones you have?" That has been discussed at length by others on several audio forums, but the original grilles were not painted orange; they were molded in that color. In addition, there is an acoustically transparent fabric on the inner surface of the grilles that was also supposedly in the same shade of orange. So, no. Painting my existing grilles is not an option.

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