Well, That Was Interesting

Today was my first day back in the office in over six months, and I have to say it was a pretty surreal experience. As I explained earlier I needed to be onsite to image approximately 150 laptops and tablets, something that for a multitude of reasons cannot be done remotely.

My colleagues spent a couple days last week getting the lab in order so I can self-isolate while performing this task, and I have to say when I walked in today I was impressed.

Unfortunately, because the room hadn't been used in nearly a year, all the network jacks in the room had been deactivated by main I.T. and—of course—there was no one on site today to turn them back on.

So I basically spent the morning spinning my wheels until I left at noon to head home and grab lunch. I'd arranged to take the afternoon off already, and based on the emails, nothing's getting turned on until tomorrow morning at the earliest.

The building was nearly deserted. I think I crossed paths with less than a dozen people—including my team. Even with that reality, I kept to myself behind the closed door and masked up on my infrequent trips outside.

On the plus side, it looks like I'll be able to do eight laptops per batch instead of the five I thought I'd be able to do, so I may still be able to get everything knocked out this week—assuming I have connectivity in the morning.

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