Well This is Interesting

A few images leaked from a teaser trailer for a certain upcoming movie I am very excited to see (and hope that it will be safe enough to return to a theater in time for its debut). Withholding judgment until I see more, because I never found fault with the visual aesthetic of the previous attempt to bring this saga to the big screen, but I do find these images intriguing.

"Put your right hand in the box," she said.

"What's in the box?"


"I hold at your neck the gom jabbar," she said. "The gom jabbar, the high-handed enemy. It's a needle with a drop of poison on its tip. Ah-ah! Don't pull away or you'll feel that poison."

The itch became the faintest burning. "Why are you doing this?" he demanded.

"To determine if you're human. Be silent."

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