And Here We Are

While I seriously doubt any of you who stop by my wretched little hive of scum and villainy on the internet have not already cast your ballot, this is the day. Get off your sorry asses and get out there.

We already know that even if tonight's tally comes in at 80 Biden/20 Trump, the Putrefying Orange Creamsicle is planning on declaring himself the winner regardless of the numbers. That is why it's so important everyone shows up and makes that ratio even higher so that goddamneddaughterfucking asshole who has been squatting in the White House has absolutely NO wiggle room and any lawsuits he invariably will bring will be laughed out of court.

And in case anyone needs reminding:

I'm not pretending that the next few days—or the the next 78 for that matter—are going to be easy. There is going to be violence, whether or not the demon manages to get re-elected.

You can count on it.

I'll leave you with one final thought:

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