
Otherwise known as one step closer to the weekend.

Sad, isn't it? This is what my life has become; simply making it through each weekday—not really giving a rat's ass about anything that happens between the time I leave the house in the morning until I get back in the afternoon—in order to just get to the next weekend.

I'm sure this isn't unique, but I feel like I'm wasting my life. Welcome to America in the 21st Century.

4 Replies to “Wednesday”

  1. I guess I'm the odd man out here. While I do look forward to days off, I don't mind the days I'm "working" either. Granted, what I now do for "work" probably has a lot to do with that….

  2. See my Happy May Day post. That just might explain it all. 😉

    One of my favourite Gary Larson cartoons shows two apes sitting up in a tree looking down at one of those A-frame signs workers place to warn people of "MEN AT WORK." One of the apes looks at the other and says "Oh oh… somebody must have evolved." Yeah, right.

  3. I'm totally with you in this, bud. Living for Friday at 4:15…dreading going to bed Sunday night knowing what's coming…wishing away the next 20 years of my life with the hopes may actually be able to retire soon enough to enjoy a few years of the first (the closest thing to) freedom I will have ever known. Sigh…

  4. You're not alone. This morning when I awoke at what I consider to be an ungodly hour (0530) because of my dictated work schedule, I smiled because I have only two mornings left this week to get up that early instead of what felt like the daunting three days when I went to bed last night. Most places don't understand that work isn't a place, it's a state of mind and activity.

    I work from one weekend to the next. I'm still hoping the Mayans might have been on to something and that something will seriously shake up society come December of this year.

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