
From I.Am.Mental:

I have all kinds of thoughts about people getting vaccinated. It's a lot like wearing a mask… might save someone's life.
Even yours.

Many people aren't getting the shot based on the dumb fucks at fox news… and those shitbags have been vaccinated! Tucker and Laura and all the other little assholes got their shot. But they're telling YOU not to.

Whatever. I know people who won't get a shot. I can't change their mind(s) but that's not my goddamn job.

I read a post last week from one of my brothers. He believes (or says he believes) that the shot will 'change your DNA' and then the angels won't recognize you when you get to heaven and they will turn you away.


I've read other really stupid thoughts about it, but my very favorite was on Twitter this week in several different posts I read. It's weird. One person will come up with some crazy shit and other people will either retweet or add to it and make it their own.
But really.

"If you get this devil-made vaccine, you will TASTE GOD'S FURRY!"

Yeah, that's how they typed it.
Still laughing over it.

So yeah. Don't get the shot.

Not only will you be tracked by Bill Gates, glow in the dark, have a 5G network built in and probably DIE, you won't get into heaven if you do!

And unless you want to taste God's Furry, best to steer clear.

Ever wonder how people become so stupid?

Yeah. Me too.

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