My Initial Summer Movie List

Dark Shadows
Snow White and the Huntsman
Men in Black 3
The Raven
The Avengers
Wrath of the Titans*
Chernobyl Diaries
Cabin in the Woods*

and most anticipated…

Prometheus (OMFG yes! This flick had better live up to the hype!)

*I know at this point I'm going to have to find dollar theaters for several on the list as they're well past their "sell by" dates. And since Ben has has also indicated he's also not interested in seeing them, guess what I'm going to be doing while he's in Phoenix in two weeks?

4 Replies to “My Initial Summer Movie List”

  1. I'm NOT a movie theatre person at all. The Husbear dragged me to see "The Avengers". It was good.

    I really want to see "Prometheus" and "Snow White and the Huntsman", but I'll probably wait until they're released on Blu-Ray.

  2. Cabin in the Woods was great. When the credits rolled, I wasn't at "great" yet. The more I thought about it though, the better it got. You'll see.

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