Not So Fast, Honey

About six weeks ago we were presented with my employer's plan to slowly start transitioning folks back into the office. Myself—and the other members of my team—let out a collective "UGH" because none of us are in any hurry to go back.

The plan started out with a month or so of strictly voluntarily returns not to exceed 25% (that TBH, I don't think any department took advantage of), followed up by a month at 50% capacity, and then finally back to "normal" at 100%.

Well, thankfully my enterprise isn't run by the type of Republican assholes running the State of Arizona who are hell-bent on getting everything opened back up, because we got notice yesterday that moving to Phase 2 (50%) is on hold "indefinitely" because of the rising number of cases in the state.

That does not mean that my team is not in the office at all. For the next several weeks we're in house, masked up and social-distanced every Monday for a half day to do some much overdue inventory salvage and tidying up the back-to-back episodes of Hoarders that are our two equipment storage rooms. A daunting task because as we discovered yesterday, there is shit in there from the late 1980s…

But at least we can walk in the rooms now.

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