Food For Thought

As I was putting a record on the turntable just now (the soundtrack to John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness in case anyone's interested) and just enjoying the simple act of listening to music via these spinning discs composed of dead dinosaurs, I was simultaneously thinking about the video I shared a few posts down of the earth exploding and thought, "You really do need to just relax and enjoy life as much as you can in the moment, because at any point it may just end."

I know I haven't been in that headspace at all for the last eight months. I've either been mourning the past or worrying about the future—and only rarely simply living in the present.

I shall strive to do better.

2 Replies to “Food For Thought”

  1. I can relate to that. Have been following for a month or two and would comment here and there if it were not for the effort involved in filling out the name and email. OK, I'm 73 and time is of the essence.

    1. Well Frank, thank you for finally doing it! You're appreciated!

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