
The only social media I'm on these days is Instagram (and, well, Twitter, but only for the pr0n). Since Instagram seems to be turning into a video platform, I've noticed more and more stupid appearing; people doing shit that—if there wasn't a camera involved—probably wouldn't do in the first place.

I originally got on Instagram a dozen or so years ago for the photography (both of menz and otherwise), but between this new video trend and the ever-annoying ads for shit that you will never buy, I'm rapidly reaching the point where the ratio of enjoyment to annoyance is tilting in the annoyance range. (That was the point I was at when I ditched Twitter many years ago, and the only reason I recently returned was because I grew tired of having to click that "sensitive content" warning label each and every time I was looking at anyone's um…"interesting" tweets. I do not participate in Twitter, and I steer clear of anything or anyone even remotely political.)

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