So Apparently I'm a Faggot…

…because I have a bumper sticker that warns of the danger of mixing politics and religion.

The epithet was hurled as me by a douchebag this morning in a silver BMW as he pulled off and turned left after riding my ass down Colorado Boulevard on the way to work.

A mile later I saw a squirrel crushed (but not killed) under the wheels of a speeding 4WD, and I thought, "Why couldn't that have been the asshole in the BMW?"

While I was waiting to get on the freeway, a big burly guy on a Harley pulled up in back of me. I could tell he was looking at the bumper sticker (that I've actually had for years) and I thought, "Oh great…another one." But after I got on the freeway, he passed on the left and as he pulled ahead, turned and gave me a thumbs up.

Wow. That made my day.


2 Replies to “So Apparently I'm a Faggot…”

  1. Just do what I do… blow them a kiss and if they come near you pepper spray the shit out of them.

  2. I'm usually unfazed by bigots and idiots on a personal level. But every so often—when the husband and I are out walking together—an epithet will be hurled, and it stings. Neither the Mr. nor I are particularly obviously gay, being rather ordinary of appearance and dress. So, it must just be that we're two men that inspires idiots to say, "BLARRGHH FAG GNFftF QUEER FLARMTH" out their car windows, unintelligibly as they zoom by. I may not hear any actual words, but I have a pretty good idea what they're saying. It is at times like those that I want superpowers. Engine locking, airbag defeating superpowers.

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