4 Replies to “Oh, SuhNAP!

  1. I'm not so sure that Linux would be an acceptable alternative to Windows or Mac OS for homophobes – its creator, Linus Torvalds, is a left-wing Finnish atheist who has criticised religious influence on politics, while Richard Stallman, the creator of GNU (which makes up a significant part of pretty much all Linux distributions – some prefer to call it "GNU/Linux") has repeatedly stated his support for same-sex marriage. Jon Hall, the Executive Director of Linux International, recently came out as gay.

    Solaris would also be a bad idea given Oracle's support for LGBT people ("Oracle has supported both Oracle Lambda and Pride Week because our employees care about it"). There is always BSD… developed at the University of California, Berkeley, which offers a minor in LGBT studies. Maybe they could just write their own operating system?

    1. …while I agree, of course, I do have to wonder what concatenation of events transpired to cause some journalist to ask Richard Stallman what he thinks of marriage equality. If I were to meet him, I don't think that question would even be in my top 50. XD

  2. The bullshit bible thumpers want to live in a world that is perfect for them. That world does exist and is looking for more nuts like then. Pack your bags and move to your new paradise, IRAN.

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