

From Joe.My.God.:

GOP legislators in Louisiana have realized to their horror that their bill to provide vouchers for private religious schools can actually be used by Muslims.

Rep. Valarie Hodges, a Republican who represents East Baton Rouge and Livingston, now says she wishes she hadn't voted for the Jindal voucher bill. "I actually support funding for teaching the fundamentals of America's Founding Fathers' religion, which is Christianity, in public schools or private schools," Hodges told the Livingston Parish News. "I liked the idea of giving parents the option of sending their children to a public school or a Christian school," Hodges added. The newspaper reported that she "mistakenly assumed that 'religious' meant 'Christian.'" "Unfortunately it will not be limited to the Founders' religion," Hodges told the News. "We need to insure that it does not open the door to fund radical Islam schools. There are a thousand Muslim schools that have sprung up recently. I do not support using public funds for teaching Islam anywhere here in Louisiana."

Americans United for the Separation of Church and State writes:

Some legislators aren't comfortable funding Muslim schools. What's to be done? How about not establishing these programs in the first place? Let Muslims fund Muslim schools. Let Catholics fund Catholics ones. Let fundamentalist Protestants pay for the conservative Christian academies and so on.

The law has already gone into effect and provides for no state oversight regarding curriculums or educational standards.

4 Replies to “Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!”

  1. provides for no state oversight regarding curriculums or educational standards.

    And this is where they, in their infinite wisdom, truly screwed up. That they assumed 'religious' to mean 'Christianity' is just icing on the cake, but not putting in any checks or balances is where things are going to get derailed. But this is Louisiana we're talking about here: my first state, I know it well, is screwed up in so many ways.

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