It's feels like we're all just waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop. Am I right? Asteroid? Civil War? Aliens?!?

Or are we just all collectively suffering from PTSD? Discuss.

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  1. For some reason, it's become very obvious that many things which used to make sense now, do not seem to. Using the same standards of judgment. Logical and deductive thinking seems to have been forgotten by many, as if it not taught in school anymore! Mob mentality, on the "right" now seem to rule the day . . . all empowered by Trump and his actions. The ONE politician "outsider" who claimed he was uniquely positioned to fix everything that needed fixing. Returning to a time when "things were better and America was great", he claimed. With the tensions in the modern world, this sounded great to so many people and they followed the Pied Piper. But for what rear PERSONAL gain? Hearing his words, his word choices, his speech patterns, his demonization of all that was perceived to be bad, many followed his song. Giving him a "cult status" in the process. In some respects, not unlike Jim Jones' followers following him to South America and a commune to live on.

    With all of the bad things about Trump, why would religious conservatives hitch their wagon to Trump? Why would a large group of people travel cross-country to hear him speak, whether at an election event or to Washington, D.C. on Jan 06? At THEIR expense! To do his bidding. What was in it for them? A time of fleeting fame, whose costs would somehow get reimbursed by Trump. IF he had possibly made some promises of reimbursement to them, that would be different, but it appears that the "reimbursement" would be their participation in something really big . . . putting Trump back into power. Which, of course, any junior high or high school government student should know is not possible after an election. Guess lots of people forgot about that?

    The USA has fought in wars, successfully, which were about removing fasciest and related dictators. Yet, right on our own shores, we elected a man to be our President with these same tendencies and admirations of such. A man who worked to ensure that his name was cast in historic stone. A man who actively courted Appalachian coal country voters, yet later revoked clean water standards to benefit the coal industry in that same area. Yet they still support him, unwaveringly.

    Putin had a good evaluation of things when he claim the USA would destroy itself from within. Trump was his seeming ally in getting that done, as Putin watched and probably smiled. Putin obviously didn't like Ms. Clinton as she would thwart anything Putin might desire to do. Trump was the better option to him as he and other Russians knew that Trump was controllable, as long as his ego was stroked.

    Why would a conservative religious group get behind such a person as Trump? A very flawed person who had done many of the things religion claims he will be forgiven for, but did them as a matter of course, multiple times? They claimed they knew he was "a flawed man" with the orientation that every many is flawed in some way. Their goal was "conservative judges" on the Supreme Court and they got that "very largely".

    An observed pattern, whether economically or socially, that the conservative right-wing operatives, when in power, end up messing things up. Whether it be ballooning federal debts, not paying enough attention to social issues, or what. Then, after eight years of such, a Democrat is elected and gets things cleaned back up to operate as they should. Amid a huge uproar by the conservatives. Conservatives, which includes Newt Gingrinch, who by their words, desire to position themselves as the ONLY legislators who know how to do anything. Demonizing the Democrats in the process. And now they have many news outlets which magnify their statements . . . for the financial gain of those outlets.

    Newt is readying a new "Bill of Rights" document as the centerpiece of a conservative legislative take-over in the next elections. Just as TX Governor Greg Abbott is doing similar regarding parents and public schools. In both cases, many of these things have ALREADY been presented by conservatives in the 1990s. Where they seemed to work to get conservatives elected over those (allegedly) radical leftists.

    When watching Trump speak, as he used the word "loser" a lot, as if HE was the determining factor of who is "a loser". I saw a pattern where he was positioning himself into a position of elevated power to claim to be the ONE who could do these things. Then it became clear, Trump was really talking about himself rather than others! Which could also be expanded to conservatives in general! When they claimed that Planned Parenthood had to be "keeping two sets of books", blending abortion monies with federal non-abortion funds, that's the way THEY would have done it, so they suspected that PP was doing similar (which was never proven to be accurate). Just one example.

    When Trump termed an opponent "a loser", that perceptually made Trump appear to be a winner, by default. Yet, his business track record indicates otherwise. Might he really be innovative ready to try new things, even if they might fail, with enough funding to pursue those dreams? Or might he have conned many investors in the process of gaining wealth and assets? In search of that "one big win"?

    Trump might have followed through on some promises ("The Wall", which is impossible to build in the analog way that seems like a barrier to many and a "speed bump" to those who know how to go underground instead; conservative judge appointments), but any real PROPOSALS to come up with a better alternative to the Affordable Care Act have been totally lacking, by comparison. ONLY ways to dismantle it as participation increases yearly, keeping many people "on insurance", which certainly helps the healthcare industry in the process.

    MANY of the actions that Trump took to dismantle or diminish long-standing protections will not be discovered for many years into the future, I suspect.

    How many times have we heard friends say "I wish I could start over with what I know now"? Trump claimed he could give us that "do-over" by waving his magic wands. People believed him. "Draining the swamp"? Trump made it into a gated community of his cronies.

    Trump's latest election opponent, Joe R. Biden, had done a very credible job of getting the nation back into more normalcy from 4 years of otherwise. Restoring programs and protections over conservative complaints.

    When President Obama was rescuing a sinking economy he inherited from President George W. Bush, conservatives said what he was doing would not work. When it DID work better than planned, they claimed that THEY could have done it sooner. LOL Yet they let it get into that place themselves! As that cycle repeated several times.

    So the cycle repeats. Republicans have yet to understand that taxes support the government. Just as work compensation supports normal peoples' economies. Only that the individual can't print money as they might desire, although they can borrow money, to a certain point. Interesting that the Federal Debt is not really a focal point until Republicans are not in power, but a major point when Democrats are in power!

    Republicans want to be in control. When they are, they tell everybody what a good job they are doing, when they are really on a road to destruction. Of their party and the nation, by observation. It is a proven fact that the USA economy has had its biggest growth and expansion during times of higher tax rates. That evil "Tax and Spend" orientation which Republicans claim is bad.

    The 1960s were a good time for many in our society, even some people of color, by observation. ALL boats were being raised. Lots of interesting cars for car enthusiasts, too! BUT for many, the "good times" did not filter down quite as far as they could have in many social issue areas. Much was not seen by all, it seems.

    But for me, a white male, it was pretty good. My parents had received pay raises due to their time in their professions. Dad was able to buy back the family farm. We built onto our house. Bought a year-old gently used Chrysler. A new pickup truck for the farm use. And life was generally good. For us and others. MONEY was in circulation . . . a key economic point of reference.

    As long as we are on this earth, I feel that we all should be working together to make it a better place. Which is a great orientation until it is thwarted by somebody with a hidden agenda of their own. By observation, Republicans have proven to be "The Thwarters" over the past decades. Let's see . . . voting rights issues, racial financial issues, seeking to dismantle/remove the Affordable Care Act, and others. AND THEY NEED TO BE CALLED OUT ON THESE THINGS BY DEMOCRATS! And Democrats need to have the information ready to prove that point.

    Bad thing is that many Republicans will call it "Fake News" and go on, oblivious to it all. It's going to be an uphill battle to get people to thinking correctly and logically again, IF that is really possible after all we've been through with Trump.

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