Humans for the most part are a reactive species, not a proactive one.
Humans make no changes until circumstances absolutely demand it. Conservatives are especially reactive, not making any changes to improve humanity until the rest of us drag them, kicking and screaming, into the future. And since conservatives are currently holding a stranglehold on progress in this country [fuck Manchin and Sinema with rusty railroad spikes], in the case of getting off fossil fuels, I fear that won't happen until Florida and most of our coastal cities find themselves underwater.
I hold even less hope for universal healthcare. If the pandemic and the death of nearly a million Americans—apparently a good portion of which were Trump-loving conservatives—didn't force them to do the right thing, nothing will.
I have puzzled over this for years. Why is it not in conservatives' best interest to make the world a better place? There certainly are liberals who are wealthy. Why not strive for utopia rather than wallow in dystopia? Do they enjoy seeing other people suffer? I don't get it.