2 Replies to “This Should Be a HUGE Fucking Story But The Media is Like… Meh”

  1. Boy! That would make a great conspiracy theory! Except that all of the conspiracy theorists are far too worried about the grains of sand they build their craft on being Democrats. Republicans and Trump's associates are unknowingly telling on themselves whenever they slam somebody else, just they have not figured that out yet, if ever. Just like the Republicans claiming that Planned Parenthood had been keeping "two books" so they could hide things . . . which is illegal and tax fraud . . . which might well be what some Republicans would do if they were running PP, very possibly. End result, what they demonize is actually GOOD.

    Several decades ago, "The Dallas Voice" ran an article on the gay bar employees helping a nearby elementary school's kids have Christmas gifts and fix up their playground. NO gay agenda or anything, just helping the kids have a better life (the poorest school in the DISD). A week later, it ran in the Dallas Morning News on a Sunday. The backlash from the religious community was huge. The gay people were doing something the religious community did not know about. Obviously, the religious charities were embarrassed!

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