
After a self-imposed multi-year exile, last January I decided to dip my toe back into the toxic hellstew that is Twitter. I did it mainly for the pr0n, but soon enough the usual onslaught of political bullshit started filling my timeline—even though I'm not explicitly following any political Tweeters.

Last night—and if truth be told, most of yesterday—I was holed up on the sofa obsessively scrolling through the muck, becoming more and more sofaressed with each passing hour. I basically lost it last night and after sobbing uncontrollably literally (for a variety of different reasons) on Ben's shoulder, I decided it was time to kill my account there once again.

Not even the endless stream of 15-second videos of guys jerking off is enough to keep me there—especially since only about one in twenty of them are deemed worthy enough to go through the hassle of downloading and reposting for you cock hounds.

For that reason I'm removing the app from my phone and desktop. I'm not killing the account outright, because I still may occasionally stumble across some boy on Instagram who advises to go to his Twitter account to "see more," but it makes doom scrolling a bit harder having to go through the website itself.

And with all the bullshit regarding Elon Musk…why even bother?

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