One Reply to “To Be Filed Under: "Why Does God Need a Starship?"”

  1. When they train (not likely) and arm teachers in schools to protect the kids, why is no one saying that those teachers will need to be armed with AK-15's that they will need to keep slung over their shoulders as they teach? Anything less will be useless against a determined, angry, motivated, fearless shooter with a death wish carrying his own AK-15 or two or three. And the teachers will have to wear that AK-15 at all times because it won't do any good hanging on the wall or in a locked cabinet. And has anyone considered that that determined, angry, motivated, fearless shooter with a death wish could be a student in that classroom and how easy and cheap it would be for them to attack a teacher and use their AK-15 to shoot up their classmates?

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