Mark Alexander
You're a bad man. You're a very bad man!

Irreverent, independent, and often snarky partnered married gay boomer and doggie dad who is tired of moral pontification by hypocritical conservative assholes and hate filled religious bigots.
This blog is NSFW and intended for adults only.

It may contain unapologetically liberal diatribes and photos of naked men, either alone or together, doing things that may cause inexplicable erections among certain sanctimonious anti-gay Republican congressmen. In addition to my personal photography, images displayed here have been pulled from the internet.

Based on some recent incidents, let me reiterate: If you are the owner of a photo that appears on this site and wish it removed, you don't need to get all legal and send threatening letters and takedown notices; just email me with the photo's URL or leave a comment on the offending post and I will gladly remove it.
In other words…

It would be difficult to bring charges of perjury on any of them using these examples. They chose their words carefully, stating only the fact that Roe v Wade was a precedent. Amy opined that the core principle wouldn't change (whatever that means). They never said they wouldn't vote to overturn it. Lawyers know how to say what people want to hear without saying exactly what people think they heard heard. They are slick. There may be more statements on the record that would be more damning, but I'm afraid these examples won't do it.