One Reply to “The Real Culprits…”

  1. When "The Apprentice" came out, I was interested to see what I might learn, being a somewhat recent college grad with a BBA in Management. I watched to see what it was. After a while, I grew tired of Trump's unexplained antics. He seemed to be more gratified when he fired somebody than really teaching them how to make things work better. Was this the way things were in the rarified air of NY? I stopped watching and checked back in with Season 2. Same scenarios, so I went on to do other things than waste my time on that show. Obviously, a huge chunk of the USA was enthralled with that show and considered Trump to be "The smartest man they knew" . . . BAD point of reference. As people who could see through him probably considered it to be a dramedy, just like some daily soap operas.

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