The Creeping Sludge, Part Deux

If there's anything I hate more than wasting one perfectly good sick day on actually being ill, it's when I have to waste two.

I woke up feeling like crap and was still hacking my lungs up this morning, but I am feeling much better now.  I'm still coughing more than I'd like, but they're productive coughs and the fever is finally gone.  I was even feeling well enough to get out and meet Ben for lunch at Paradise Bakery.

I've gone a little crazy catching up on my blog posts today (as you have no doubt noticed), and while I'm still not writing much, no one seems to be complaining.  And until I find something Obama does to really get my ire up, I prefer to focus instead on the things in my everyday life that I appreciate, and leave the bitching and moaning to the reich-wingers who are still evidently in a state of denial about the sea change that's sweeping this country.

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