WTF, Texas?!

And a note to all the candidates who have deluged me with calls and texts over the past two weeks: all the money begs in the world don't mean squat when people are just too fucking unmotivated or just plain lazy to get off their asses and vote until it becomes something that immediately affects them. Sadly, that appears to be a lot of the people in this country, and I fear nothing is going to wake them from their slumber until it's too late for them to do anything about it.

I had hoped that the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade would be the catalyst that would ignite this passion, but sadly that still did not materialize the kind of blue wave that was needed to bring to a full stop the MAGA Republican fascist agenda.

I dunno…maybe it's because I'm of a different generation, but I've voted in every presidential and midterm election since I was 18. With the advent of voting by mail in recent years, I've also voted in the lesser known local elections.

I cannot fathom why people do not vote. I just can't—especially when it is so insanely easy and a full 30% of the population seems to be fine with that right being taken away.

Someone please explain it to me like I'm 5 years old.

One Reply to “WTF, Texas?!”

  1. I don't have the explanation but I'll toss out a few ideas:
    1. Most people are not tuned in or are purposely tuned out and do not follow the news (except for Entertainment Tonight, Ninja Warrior, and Big Brother)
    2. They find politics uninteresting or are just sick of it.
    3. They don't get how one vote makes a difference (kind of like one doughnut won't make me fat, will it? – there's an analogy there, but I'm not sure what it is)
    4. They live in their own little world and never look out the window
    5. All the negative ads on TV repeating endlessly for weeks are torture and may just result in some people hating both candidates enough not to vote for either.
    6. As easy as it may be to vote, that may not be true in all jurisdictions.
    7. As easy as it is to vote, it's still too difficult for a lot of lazy-ass folks.
    8. Many people have a defeatist attitude about any political figure's promise or ability to make their lives better.
    9. Our country pays lip service to the importance of voting but our work culture does not prioritize it. (My hubs gets 2 hours paid time off to go vote, but that is an exception).
    Maybe if politicians address these issues realistically more people might vote. Suggestion: Put the $$$ they spend on ads to better use.

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