If You Haven't Seen It Yet…


I'll admit I'm late to this party.

I've have seen two series in the past couple months that absolutely left me gutted. This is one of them. The other was American Horror Story: NYC. For those of us of a certain age…these two series reflected our lives, albeit in two very different ways. AHS focused on the terror; It's a Sin not only gave us the unspoken uncertainty swirling about our daily lives, the discrimination we faced, and the abject sorrow of the late 80s and 90s, but also embraced the unbridled joy before the plague. Memories I thought I had safely sequestered to the back of my mind came rushing forward in a way I never expected. Tears of joy and tears of sadness streamed down my cheeks. Far too many scenes that perfectly mirrored actual events in my life and the lives of those around me.

And in what has to be a first for a historical drama, with only one exception It's a Sin got the music down pat. Not only were the songs used in the soundtrack musically accurate by year, but also by season. Someone in the production was paying attention.

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