It's Always the Same Dozen Fuckers

A Rant

It doesn't matter where I work. There are always a dozen users—excuse me, customers—that generate 90% of all the trouble tickets that come in. And they're always whiners.

I don't know if these people are just plain stupid (admittedly I do wonder how some of them dress themselves without assistance), are too lazy to even devote one iota of brain power to solving a problem on their own, or simply don't give a fuck, but I let out an audible sigh every time their names appear in the queue—which is daily.

I often wonder how my life would've been had I stayed in architecture.

Acquaintance in 1998: "You're so good at this computer stuff you should do it for a living."
Me in 2023: Fuck you, David.

2 Replies to “It's Always the Same Dozen Fuckers”

  1. I'm retired, but I worked over 30 years in computer support of one kind or another. I know your pain; I feel your pain; I lived your pain.

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