I'm Getting Tired of Doing This

I'm going to take a break from this here blog thingie for a while. I don't know if it's going to be a few days or a few weeks or until I get so bored I have to start posting again, but right now I'm just burnt out.

I originally started blogging in 2005 as a way of expressing my frustration at what was happening in the country with the Bush administration. Who could've possibly foreseen the hellscape that was going to manifest slightly more than a decade later, the effects of which we're still wading through.

Obviously I've still used this medium to express my frustration with the direction the country is going, but it seems that every. damn. day. there is some outrage perpetrated by the right that's more horrific than the day before…and I just can't. There aren't enough memes in the world to express what I'm feeling right now.

I still firmly believe that Democracy is going to win in this battle, but it's not going to come through without a few broken bones and a black eye.

And that's all I'm going to say for now.

Of course, watch me turn around and repost something cool I found online tomorrow…

Stay tuned.

5 Replies to “I'm Getting Tired of Doing This”

  1. I'd rather be missing you around for a while as long as I know you are taking care of yourself and your wit, enjoying your life with your husband and dog-friends.
    Hug. L.

  2. You'll be missed while you're gone, but you gotta take care of yourself before taking care of business.

    Smoke a joint, enjoy a smooth, relaxing bowel movement, achieve Absolute Chill… and then come back to us, please.

  3. I wrote a food blog for an entire decade before taking a break, and after a year, I'm finally ready to start writing again. You take all the time you need. If you feel like putting up a post, do it. If not, don't. We will understand and support you.

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